Wow, what a great test of Family Phys. Ed.'s mission! We had 6 families with ranges of kiddos from 4 to 13! All of them sweating and smiling! All parents were encouraging their kiddos and showing them how effort can take them closer to their goals. We started with Rock, Paper, Scissors Baseball to get in some quick practice of winning and losing, but also push everyone out of their comfort zone and play against totally new people. We then got everyone jumping and throwing with Bean Bag Toe Tag. We then rotated through 6 different fitness stations. The stations all worked on different compenents of fitness, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, cardiovascular endurance and body composition. Some stations included the rockwall, pushup testers, monkey bars and even pullups! After the workout we got the fun large group game going. Win the Pin was a huge success. Everyone practiced their throwing and catching and even got the chance to display their character with the honesty opportunities that came out during the game. So much fun seeing the teachable moments the parents experience with their kids. Thank you so much to all the families that came out, I feel so blessed to see so much happiness with all of you!
Than you so much to the a